Actes du Congrès de l’ACL 2008 2008 CLA conference proceedings
Les articles publiés dans ces actes ont été présentés lors du congrès annuel de l’Association canadienne de linguistique qui s’est tenu à l’Université de la Colombie Britanique, en Vancouver, du 31 mai au 2 juin 2008. Certaines des communications présentées n’ont pas été soumises par les auteures et les auteurs.
Rédactrice : Susie Jones
En suivant les liens de la table des matières, vous pouvez télécharger les articles du congrès au format PDF.
Les droits d’auteur demeurent la propriété des auteures et des auteurs.
ISSN 0027-9633
The papers in these proceedings were presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association held at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, from May 31 to June 2, 2008. Not all papers given at the conference were submitted.
Editor: Susie Jones
Follow the links in the table of contents to download the papers in PDF format.
Copyrights remain with the authors.
ISSN 0027-9633
Table des matières Table of Contents
- On the directionality of emphasis spread
- Diminutive verbal suffixes in Finnish
- Syntactically challenged rather than reduced: Participial relatives revisited
- Structuring information in Blackfoot: Against the A′-agreement analysis of cross-clausal agreement
- Passivization and A′-movement in Shona
- Comparison discontinue et quantification de degrés
- Light NP shift and verbal adjuncts in English
- A case phase analysis of online binding in English
- L’alternance avoir été/être eu dans les auxiliaries du passé surcomposé en français: Un nouvel argument pour le caractère syntaxique du morphème se
- Phonetic cues to stress in a tonal language: Prosodic prominence in San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec
- La syntaxe, la morphologie, et la phonologie de la réduction dans les titres
- Anaphoric relations with Greek pronouns revisited
- Contrast in Inuit consonant inventories
Palatalization and
/i/ across Inuit dialects - Wh-questions in English: A parsing-oriented theory of locality
- The Hungarian conditional: Non-deictic counterfactuality
- The morpho-phonology of (in)alienable possession
- The neurophysiology of scope ambiguity
- L’universalité et l’autonomie de la construction à double objet
- Distinguishing between unintentional agents and unintentional causers
- Interrogative structures in Marshallese
- Comprehension of D(iscourse)-linked questions by aphasics: New evidence
- The split-PP hypothesis and its implications
- Old English high vowel deletion in stocking feet
- The status of nominal gender in Algonquian: Evidence from psych verbs
- Verbal morphology of Japanese and head movement
- L’interrogation coordonnée dans les langues slaves
- When the vocal chords vibrate but no one listens: German perception of English word-final obstruents
- Spontaneous speech, lab speech, and effects on intonation: Some useful findings for fieldworkers (and laboratory phonologists)
- The meaning of na and conditional wishes
- Disyllabicity in Nuuchahnulth
- Tonal assimilation patterns of Cantonese L2 speakers of Mandarin in the perception and production of Mandarin tones
- An acoustically based contrastive study of L1 and L2 nasal coda production
- Person licensing: The Algonquian–Romance connection
- Contraction, grammaticalization and the phonology/syntax interface: Progressives in Brazilian Portuguese
- On compositionalality of even: A case study of German auch nur
- The aspectual function of inceptive morphemes
- What cue where? On the role of pitch and length in the acquisition of L2 prosodic representations
- Children’s scope assignment: A relevance theoretic account
- Children’s interpretation of null objects under the scope of negation
- Early determination
- Thai numeral classifiers in non-quantified noun phrases
- Conséquences du parallèle entre distribution du subjonctif, monotonicité décroissante et implicatures à échelle
- Interlanguage prosody: Native English speakers’ production of Mandarin yes–no questions
- On the interaction of tone and stress in contour tone languages
- The acquisition of allophonic variation in Spanish as a second language
- On distinguishing Persian vowels
- Persian prosodic structure
- The Canadian shift: Coast to coast
- Analyse formantique des pauses remplies chez les adolescents unilingues en Outaouais Québécois : Une étude pilote
- Disambiguating the Spanish (*)te me constraint: Evidence from Russian ditransitives
- The consequences of cyclic spell-out for verbal stem-allomorphy
- Relating non-argument reflexives to argument structure in English
- Similarities in covert syntax and overt syntax: Some diagnostics from reflexive licensing
- Verb or noun? Word conversion and frequency effects in English
- Complements in non-referential contexts: comparing English and Chinese
- Choose one: Head or phrasal movement in the same domain
- Possesseurs datifs devant syntagmes prépositionnels
- Pronoms clitiques accusatifs et datifs chez les enfants francophones
- Reverse sluicing in modern Greek: A new answer to an old problem
- Javanese modals
- The internal structure of place class prepositional phrases in English
- I am done dinner: A case of lexicalization
- Étude de la motivation conceptuelle des métaphors du mot « haut » : L’approche cognitive