Les prix pour les communications étudiantes Student paper prizes
Depuis 1997, l’Association canadienne de linguistique souligne la meilleure communication étudiante présentée lors de la rencontre annuelle. À partir de 2008 l’Association a commencé à souligner la meilleure affiche étudiante. Des présentations étudiantes et les affiches étudiantes de tout domaine de la linguistique et de toute orientation théorique sont admissibles à ce concours. Les gagnant-e-s sont inéligibles aux futurs concours.
Each year since 1997, the Canadian Linguistic Association selects the best student paper presented at the annual meeting. Starting in 2008 the Association began to select the best student poster. Student papers and posters in all areas of linguistics and from any theoretical perspective may be considered for the award. Winners are not eligible for future competitions.
Gagnant-e-s Winners
- 2024:
Communication Talk:
Gagnante Winner:
- Laura Ford, University of Manitoba
Lexical variation of expressions for ‘died’ in Winnipeg obituaries: A diachronic analysis
- Laura Ford, University of Manitoba
Mention honorable Honourable mention:
- Samuel Jambrović, University of Toronto
Defending predicativism: Lessons from Barbie
- Samuel Jambrović, University of Toronto
Gagnante Winner:
Affiche Poster:
Gagnant Winner:
- Liam McFadden, University of Toronto Mississauga
Language mapping for linguists
(avec with Avery Ozburn & Samuel Akinbo)
- Liam McFadden, University of Toronto Mississauga
Gagnant Winner:
Communication Talk:
- 2023:
Communication Talk:
Gagnant Winner:
- Martin Renard, University of Toronto
Kanien'kéha noun incorporation: A dichotomous reanalysis
- Martin Renard, University of Toronto
Gagnant Winner:
Affiche Poster:
Gagnante Winner:
- Kaitlyn Owens, Indiana University Bloomington
Re-evaluating the role of duration in Laurentian French high vowel laxing
- Kaitlyn Owens, Indiana University Bloomington
Gagnante Winner:
Communication Talk:
- 2022:
Communication Talk:
Gagnant Winner:
- Matthew Patience, University of Toronto
Predicting difficulty in L2 speech: Moving towards a comprehensive model of L2 perception and production
- Matthew Patience, University of Toronto
Mention honorable Honourable mention:
- Quinn Goddard, University of Calgary
Why can I laugh a laugh but not joke a joke? Cognate objects unreliably diagnose unergativity
- Quinn Goddard, University of Calgary
Gagnant Winner:
Affiche Poster:
Gagnant Winner:
- Terrance Gatchalian, McGill University
The composition of Ktunaxa causatives: Argument- and event-structure restrictions
- Terrance Gatchalian, McGill University
Mention honorable Honourable mention:
- Andrea Levinstein Rodriguez, University of Calgary
Optionality in Spanish prepositional relative clauses
- Andrea Levinstein Rodriguez, University of Calgary
Gagnant Winner:
Communication Talk:
- 2021:
Communication Talk:
Gagnant Winner:
- Cheman Baira A. Sangma, University of Calgary
Garo gemination: A case of faithfulness producing non-moraic geminates
- Cheman Baira A. Sangma, University of Calgary
Mentions honorables Honourable mentions:
- Claire Djuikui Dountsop, Université de Montréal
Trajectoire de l’omission de il dans les constructions impersonnelles à Montréal
- Dakota Wing & Ana-Maria Jerca, York University
“You were really good for your first time in English”: Raciolinguistic discourse, accommodation, and gatekeeping surrounding Harnarayan Singh’s English Canadian NHL broadcasts
- Claire Djuikui Dountsop, Université de Montréal
Gagnant Winner:
Affiche Poster:
Gagnante Winner:
- Brittney O'Neill, York University
The Dance of Conversation: Gender and Language in Metaphors for West Coast Swing Partnership
- Brittney O'Neill, York University
Mention honorable Honourable mention:
- David Rosychuk, University of Alberta
L’avenir dans l’Ouest : la référence temporelle au futur en français albertain
- David Rosychuk, University of Alberta
Gagnante Winner:
Communication Talk:
- 2020:
Communication Talk:
Gagnante Winner:
- Deborah Allotey, Western University
Overt pronoun subjects of infinitival predicates in Gã
- Deborah Allotey, Western University
Mention honorable Honourable mention:
- Una Y. Chow, University of British Columbia
Voice Quality of Gitksan Ejectives
- Una Y. Chow, University of British Columbia
Gagnante Winner:
Affiche Poster:
Gagnante Winner:
- Brittany MacDonald, University of Calgary
What type of pronouns do Korean and Japanese have?
- Brittany MacDonald, University of Calgary
Gagnante Winner:
Communication Talk:
- 2019:
Communication Talk:
Gagnantes Winners:
- Gloria Mellesmoen & Marianne Huijsmans, University of British Columbia
Pluractionality in ʔayʔaǰuθəm
- Gloria Mellesmoen & Marianne Huijsmans, University of British Columbia
Mention honorable Honourable mention:
- Elias Abdollahnejad, University of Calgary
Persian ditransitives: Movement for specificity?
- Elias Abdollahnejad, University of Calgary
Gagnantes Winners:
Affiche Poster:
Gagnant-e-s Winners:
- Stéphane Térosier, Université de Montréal
Definiteness and specificity in the Martinican Creole DP
- Nora Villeneuve, Université du Québec à Montréal
Une description syntaxique et sémantique du morphème d’aspect ‑liq‑ en inuktitut
- Stéphane Térosier, Université de Montréal
Gagnant-e-s Winners:
Communication Talk:
- 2018:
Communication Talk:
Gagnante Winner:
- Adriana Soto-Corominas, Western University
Asymmetrical acquisition of non-personal Catalan clitics: Dominance effects
- Adriana Soto-Corominas, Western University
Mention honorable Honourable mention:
- Lindsay Hracs, University of Calgary
A corpus study of only in child-directed and child-produced speech
- Lindsay Hracs, University of Calgary
Gagnante Winner:
Affiche Poster:
Gagnant Winner:
- Majed Al-Solami, University of Toronto
Vowel elision, stress, and dialect contact in Bedouin dialects
- Majed Al-Solami, University of Toronto
Gagnant Winner:
Communication Talk:
- 2017:
Communication Talk (20 min.):
- Julianne Doner, University of Toronto
Predicate-sensitive EPP - Nicole Hildebrandt-Edgar, York University
I don’t know in Toronto and Victoria: Comparing analyses of discourse variation
- Julianne Doner, University of Toronto
Communication Talk (10 min.):
- Virgilio Partida Peñalva, University of Toronto
Stripping in Spanish: Focalized PP remnants
- Virgilio Partida Peñalva, University of Toronto
Affiche Poster:
- Angélica Hernández Constantin, Western University
Différences regionales dans l’utilisation du verbe impersonnel haber de l’espagnol : Les Caraïbes contre l’Amérique Latine continentale
- Angélica Hernández Constantin, Western University
Communication Talk (20 min.):
- 2016:
Communication Talk:
- Neil Banerjee, University of Toronto
Of monsters and modals
- Neil Banerjee, University of Toronto
Affiche Poster:
- Malina Radu, University of Toronto
Conditioned variability in the realization of Romanian rhotics
- Malina Radu, University of Toronto
Communication Talk:
- 2015:
Communication Talk:
- Brandon Fry, University of Ottawa
The derivation of theme-signs in Algonquin Ojibwe: A Multiple Agree approach
- Brandon Fry, University of Ottawa
Affiche Poster:
- Stéphanie Luna, Université du Québec à Montréal
Variation syntaxique de la langue des signes québécoise chez les aînés sourds
- Stéphanie Luna, Université du Québec à Montréal
Communication Talk:
- 2014:
Communication Talk:
- Naomi Francis, University of Toronto
This predicate is tasty: Predicates of personal taste, faultless disagreement, and the ideal judge
- Naomi Francis, University of Toronto
Affiche Poster:
- Danica MacDonald, University of Calgary
From a classifier language to a mass-count language: What can historical data show us?
- Danica MacDonald, University of Calgary
Communication Talk:
- 2013:
Communications Talks:
Gagnante Winner:
- Julie Goncharov, University of Toronto
- Julie Goncharov, University of Toronto
Mentions honorables Honourable mentions:
- Michael Hamilton, McGill University
Wh movement in Mi’gmaq - Kevin McMullin, UBC
Learning consonant harmony in artificial languages
- Michael Hamilton, McGill University
Gagnante Winner:
Affiches Posters:
Gagnante Winner:
- Alexandra Motut, University of Toronto
A semantics for object-oriented depictives and their connection to partitives
- Alexandra Motut, University of Toronto
Mention honorable Honourable mention:
- Sonja Thoma, UBC
Bavarian discourse particles: At the syntax-pragmatics interface
- Sonja Thoma, UBC
Gagnante Winner:
Communications Talks:
- 2012:
Communications Talks:
Gagnante Winner:
- Sara Johansson, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Acquiring Northern East Cree verbal morphology: Evidence from inchoative verbs
- Sara Johansson, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Gagnante Winner:
Affiches Posters:
Gagnant Winner:
- Philippe Gauthier, Western University
High-vowel laxing in Canadian French
- Philippe Gauthier, Western University
Gagnant Winner:
Communications Talks:
- 2011:
Communications Talks:
Gagnantes Winners:
- Beth MacLeod, University of Toronto
Perceptual salience and cross-dialectal phonetic convergence in Spanish - Alexandra Simonenko, McGill University
Domains in Mainland Scandinavian DP: Syntax and phonology
- Beth MacLeod, University of Toronto
Gagnantes Winners:
Affiches Posters:
Gagnante Winner:
- Joanne Markle LaMontagne, University of Toronto
Acquisition of the Spanish Present Perfect by Spanish–English Bilinguals
- Joanne Markle LaMontagne, University of Toronto
Gagnante Winner:
Communications Talks:
- 2010:
Communications Talks:
Gagnant Winner:
Viktor Kharlamov, University of Ottawa
Final devoicing & (in)complete neutralization: The role of task-specific factors
Viktor Kharlamov, University of Ottawa
Gagnant Winner:
Affiches Posters:
Gagnante Winner:
Liisa Duncan, University of Toronto
Consonant gradation in Finnish dialects
Liisa Duncan, University of Toronto
Gagnante Winner:
Communications Talks:
- 2009:
Communications Talks:
Gagnante Winner:
Elisabeth Ferch, University of British Columbia
Number and Quantification in Shona?
Elisabeth Ferch, University of British Columbia
Mentions honorables Honorable mentions:
- Viktor Kharlamov, University of Ottawa
Speakers' Notion of the Syllable: The Role of Statistical Factors in Onset Wellformedness - Bethany MacLeod, University of Toronto
Gwhat did you say? Epenthetic Velars in Costa Rican Spanish
- Viktor Kharlamov, University of Ottawa
Gagnante Winner:
Affiches Posters:
Gagnante Winner:
- Darcie Blainey, Tulane University
Schwa Behaviour in Formal and Informal Speech in the French of Ville Platte, Louisiana
- Darcie Blainey, Tulane University
Gagnante Winner:
Communications Talks:
- 2008:
Communications Talks:
Gagnantes Winners:
- Heather Bliss, University of British Columbia
Structuring information in Blackfoot: Against an A'-agreement analysis of cross-clausal agreement - Isabelle Charnavel, University of California, Los Angeles
L'alternance avoir été/être eu dans les auxiliaires du passé surcomposé en français: un nouvel argument pour le caractère syntaxique du morphème se
- Heather Bliss, University of British Columbia
Gagnantes Winners:
Affiches Posters:
Gagnante Winner:
- Jennifer Glougie, University of British Columbia
On future expression in St'át'imcets: Modality vs. aspect
- Jennifer Glougie, University of British Columbia
Mentions honorables Honourable mentions:
- Heather Bliss, University of British Columbia, and Dennis Storoshenko, Simon Fraser University
Passivization and A'-movement in Shona - Bethany MacLeod, University of Toronto
The hierarchy of velar weakening in Buenos Aires Spanish
- Heather Bliss, University of British Columbia, and Dennis Storoshenko, Simon Fraser University
Gagnante Winner:
Communications Talks:
- 2007:
Gagnante Winner:- Bethany Lochbihler, University of Ottawa
Mapping inversion: A morpho-syntactic analysis of the inverse system in Ojibwa
- Bethany Lochbihler, University of Ottawa
- 2006:
Gagnante Winner:- Catherine Macdonald, University of Toronto
Tongan Personal Pronouns
- Janet Leonard, University of Victoria
Formalising the Phonology of Stress in Senćoŧen - Ulyana Savchenko, University of Toronto
L2 Acquisition of the Semantics of Russian Dative Subjects
- Catherine Macdonald, University of Toronto
- 2005:
Gagnante Winner:- Christina Manouilidou, University of Ottawa
Computation of thematic features in deverbal nouns: Probing the effect of the verbal root
- Christine Pittman, University of Toronto
Changes in the Inuktitut switch-reference system
- Christina Manouilidou, University of Ottawa
- 2004:
Gagnante Winner:- Anousha Sedighi, University of Ottawa
Animacy: The overlooked feature in Persian
- Mike Barrie, University of Toronto
On unifying antisymmetry and bare phrase structure
- Anousha Sedighi, University of Ottawa
- 2003:
Gagnante Winner:- Rachel Wojdak, University of British Columbia
PF incorporation in Nuu-chah-nulth
- Chiara Frigeni, University of Toronto
Reconsidering lenition/fortition - Daniel Currie Hall, University of Toronto
Prophylaxis and asymmetry in Yokuts
- Rachel Wojdak, University of British Columbia
- 2002:
Gagnant-e-s Winners:- Simone Conradie, McGill University
Parameter resetting in the second language acquisition of Afrikaans - Denis Liakin, University of Western Ontario
[Spec, CP] et [Spec, FocP] - Deux positions de focus
- Marc Brunelle, Cornell University
Proclitic reduction in Quebecois French - Elissa Flagg, MIT
Adjacency and lowering in morphology: The case of English sentential negation - Ilana Mezhevich, University of Calgary
Adjectives, genitives and argument structure - Rebecca Smollett, University of Toronto
Latinate verbs and English particles: Why you can 'mix up the ingredients' but not 'combine them up'
- Simone Conradie, McGill University
- 2001: Mary MacKeracher, University of Toronto
Reconsidering the standard temporal model of language change - 2000: Wenckje Jongstra, University of Toronto
Variability in the acquisition of word-initial consonant clusters - 1999: Asya Pereltsvaig, McGill University
On extent adverbials and case theory - 1998: Trisha Causley, University of Toronto
Redefining the line between faithfulness and markedness - 1997: Marie-Hélène Côté, MIT
Salience phonetique et simplification des groupes consonantiques