Actes du Congrès de l’ACL 2002 2002 CLA conference proceedings
Les articles publiés dans ces actes ont été présentés lors du congrès annuel de l’Association canadienne de linguistique qui s’est tenu à l'Université de Toronto, du 25 mai au 28 mai 2002. Certaines des communications présentées n’ont pas été soumises par les auteures et les auteurs.
Rédactrices : Sophie Burelle & Stanca Somesfalean
En suivant les liens de la table des matières, vous pouvez télécharger les articles du congrès au format PDF.
Les droits d’auteur demeurent la propriété des auteures et des auteurs.
ISSN 0027-9633
The papers in these proceedings were presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association held at the University of Toronto from May 25 to May 28, 2002. Not all papers given at the conference were submitted.
Editors: Sophie Burelle & Stanca Somesfalean
Follow the links in the table of contents to download the papers in PDF format.
Copyrights remain with the authors.
ISSN 0027-9633
Table des matières Table of Contents
- Derived reflexives in Romance: The case of se
- A derivational relationship: The subjunctive-infinitive alternation in French
- Empty nuclei in Haitian Creole
- French and Spanish se: Underspecified, not reflexive
- The syntactic manifestation of nominal feature geometry
- Passé composé vs. present perfect
- Determining contrastiveness: A missing chapter in the history of phonology
- Adjacency and lowering in morphology: The case of English sentential negation
- English Shmenglish: Yiddish borrowings into Canadian English
- On the argument structure of primary complements
- Two cases of disagreement in Russian: Contrastive imperatives and root infinitives
- La grammaire des relations : Constructions possessives et obviation en cri de l’Est
- Inversely ordered DPs in Niuean
- Tough subjects are thematic
- Syllable positions as distinct articulatory patterns: Evidence from Russian
- Raising and controlling ambiguities
- Deux périphéries — Deux positions pour les DPs focalisés
- Lone English-origin nouns in Arabic: Codeswitches or borrowings?
- When is zero more than one? Bare German plurals in bilingual discourse
- Syntactic features and discourse factors in children’s interpretation of definite determiners in inalienable possessions
- Formaliser les contraintes pragmatiques : L’exemple d’une particule du macédonien
- On the interaction between end-weight and end-focus
Why you can
eat up
an apple but notconsume up
an apple - Phonetics, gender, and sexual orientation
I shave just like man
: Intrinsic and extrinsic reflexive constructions in child English - Defining the word in Nuuchahnulth
- Partitivity and prefixation in Slavic verbal predicates
- The present perfect in Early African American correspondence
We labors under a great deal of disadvantiges
: Verbal -s in Early African American English