Association canadienne de linguistique
Canadian Linguistic Association

Actes du Congrès de l’ACL 2005 2005 CLA conference proceedings

Les articles publiés dans ces actes ont été présentés lors du congrès annuel de l’Association canadienne de linguistique qui s’est tenu à l’Université Western Ontario, du 28 mai au 31 mai 2005. Certaines des communications présentées n’ont pas été soumises par les auteures et les auteurs.

Rédactrice : Claire Gurski

En suivant les liens de la table des matières, vous pouvez télécharger les articles du congrès au format PDF.

Les droits d’auteur demeurent la propriété des auteures et des auteurs.

ISSN 0027-9633

The papers in these proceedings were presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association held at the University of Western Ontario from May 28 to May 31, 2005. Not all papers given at the conference were submitted.

Editor: Claire Gurski

Follow the links in the table of contents to download the papers in PDF format.

Copyrights remain with the authors.

ISSN 0027-9633

Table des matières Table of Contents

  1. Le meunier, son oncle et son ami : Une analyse linguistique de l’écriture de quelques paysans vendéens au 19e siècle Loula Abd-elrazak
  2. Verb Alternations in Modern Welsh Alex Adams, Sarah Clarke, Annette Evans, Benjamin Flight, and Alana Johns
  3. Yorùbá 3rd Person Pro-Forms Are Pro-DPs Oládiípò Ajíbóyè and Sloveiga Armoskaite
  4. Φ-Features in the Onondaga Agreement Paradigm Michael Barrie
  5. The Pasta Se Come Con Salsa: Acquisition of Middle Constructions in Spanish Patricia Bayona
  6. A Unified Analysis of the Slave Particle Gha Allison Benner
  7. Control and Spanish Psychological Verbs María Biezma-Garrido
  8. Questions oui-non: Analyse syntaxique disjonctive Oxana Borzdyko
  9. Nahuatl and the Polysynthesis Parameter Joyce Bruhn de Garavito, Roberto Herrera Herrera and Amanda Holzrichter
  10. La grammaire des particules en ancient français : Sémantique, distribution et perte de productivité Heather Burnett, Katrina Petrik and Mireille Tremblay
  11. St’át’imcets Transitive Paradigm Suffix Alternations Marion Gerda Caldecott
  12. Phrases and Binding of Reflexives and Pronouns in English Réjean Canac-Marquis
  13. Chinese L2 Learners’ Use of Structural and Lexical Information in Processing English Subject and Object Relative Clauses Chiu-Hung Chen
  14. Japanese Irreversible Aspect: -Te Shimau Sarah Clarke
  15. Thematic Fit and Syntactic Ambiguity Resolution of Intransitive Main Clauses Luba Dachevski
  16. An Applicative Analysis of Double Object Constructions in Romanian Constanta Rodica Diaconescu and Maria Luisa Rivero
  17. Japanese Morphemic Vowels and Telicity: Mono-Syllabic Verb Cases Atsushi Fujimori
  18. Spanish–English Contact in Belize: The Case of Hacer+V Nicté Fuller Medina
  19. Telling Evens Apart Dana Geber
  20. The Dog, the Moon, the Hague, and Canada Jila Ghomeshi and Diane Massam
  21. Local Versus Long-Distance Fission in Distributed Morphology Antonio Gonzáelz Poot and Martha McGinnis
  22. Complex Structures of Compound Segments Claire Gurski
  23. Is Inuktitut Tenseless? Midori Hayashi and Bettina Spreng
  24. Foot, Word, and Laryngeal Features in English and Icelandic John T. Jensen and Margaret Stong-Jensen
  25. Contrast and Lexicon Optimization
    (omitted from the 2002 proceedings)
    John T. Jensen and Margaret Stong-Jensen
  26. Une étude comparée d’un contour de continuité en français de France et du Québec Svetlana Kaminskaïa
  27. Complements of Epistemic Predicates Michiya Kawai
  28. Syneresis, Dieresis, and Glide Epenthesis Stephanie Kelly and David Heap
  29. Phonetic Sources of Phonological Asymmetries: Russian Laterals and Rhotics Alexei Kochetov
  30. Investigating the Relation Between Place of Articulation Markedness and Perceptual Salience Alexei Kochetov and Connie K. So
  31. Classifieurs nominaux et verbaux en chinois mandarin Sylvie Lam et Marie-Thérèse Vinet
  32. Atome grammatical Jacques Lamarche
  33. Two Constraint Types: Slots and Percolation Anne Stuart Laubstein
  34. OVS pour une langue SVO. Pourquoi ? Denis Liakin
  35. Computation of Thematic Features in Deverbal Nouns: Probing the Effect of the Verbal Root Christina Manouilidou
  36. Negative Predicates in Japanese Chigusa Morita
  37. Eyetracking and Interlingual Homographs Mariko Nakayama and John Archibald
  38. Problems With the A/A′-Dichotomy: Evidence From Russian Scrambling Larissa Nossalik
  39. The Lexical-Syntactic Process of Recategorization: The Case of Spanish Medio Enrique Pato and David Heap
  40. Disjunction in Free Choice and Polarity in Malagasy Ileana Paul
  41. Number Problems in Children Ana T. Pérez-Leroux
  42. Non-Canonical Switch-Reference in Inuktitut Christine Pittman
  43. The Effect of the Predicate on Agreement Error Rates Christine M. Pittman and Ron Smyth
  44. Copula Ommission in L1 English Wh-Questions Tobin R. Skinner
  45. The Influence of L1 Prosodic Background on the Learning of Mandarin Tones: Patterns of Tonal Confusion by Cantonese and Japanese Naïve Listeners Connie K. So
  46. Derivation by Phase: Russian Applicatives Alona Soschen
  47. States, Abilities, and Accidents Lisa deMena Travis
  48. Raising and Arbitrary Control Tohru Uchiumi
  49. A Perceptual Analysis of Consonant Cluster Reduction Teresa Vanderweide
  50. Pour une division des N en quatre termes: La quantification en français Marie-Thérèse Vinet et Abdelkader Fassi Fehri
  51. Slovenian Inceptive Prefix Za-: A VP-Internal P Rok Žaucer

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